Hello, big fan of EasyList!
This is a news site that has ads, and we understand the ads being blocked but there seems to be an issue where our web forms, such as
do not work when EasyList is running (via ublock or adblock browser extensions in Chrome). I have asked some colleagues to test this with their configurations and it has been easy to replicate.
The underlying forms are based on the Gravity Forms software, and here is the markup that is set to display:none on the form divs:
<div class="gf_browser_chrome gform_wrapper gform_legacy_markup_wrapper gform-theme--no-framework" data-form-theme="legacy" data-form-index="0" id="gform_wrapper_1" **style="display:none"**><div id="gf_1" class="gform_anchor" tabindex="-1"></div><form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="gform_1" action="/subscribe#gf_1" data-formid="1" novalidate="" data-bitwarden-watching="1"> <!--form data and fields which are hidden with ublock on --> </form></div>
In the Firefox inspector for this div
element.style { display: none;}
With EasyList deactivated the form works and displays fine, there is no display:none as inline CSS.
The folks at UO were able to add the following as a temp fix, which may provide additional insight to the EasyList devs.
https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets ... ad88ca756a
Thanks for your time and help with this!
Statistics: Posted by bome — Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:31 am — Replies 0 — Views 26